Upload Videos to Google Drive

Uploading Videos to Google Drive

Apps like Gmail have a size limit that prevents uploading of large files (like video). A good way to share the video is to put the file in Google Drive and share the link.

  1. With the Google Drive app open, tap on the plus sign in the lower right corner of the screen

2. Tap on Upload.

3. Tap on Photos and Videos.

4. A popup will appear letting you know that Google would like to access your photos. Tap on OK.

5. Tap on the Videos folder (or whichever folder you put the video in).

6. Tap on the video that you wish to upload.

7. A small box will appear on the bottom of the screen that says Processing Uploads.

8. To view the progress of the upload, tap on Files. The video will appear under Uploads until it is done.

9. Once the file is done processing, it will move from the upload section to the main section with your other files.

See the Share Google Files Article if you need to know how to share your files.